The essence of leadership in Do Win training:
- And – information – knowledge
- M – motivation – freedom of decision
- A – action – action in the present moment
- D – Discipline – persistence in what I want to achieve
1. Information – cognition: To know means to become aware of something so that we can dispose of it and make decisions about it. Consciousness is the essence of cognition. If I’m not aware of music, someone’s speech, someone’s belief, I don’t recognize it. It’s not in me, I don’t have it, it’s not mine. There is rational and emotional cognition. Realizations of reality in him and around him in man are archived in memory and man uses them with memory. Healthy knowledge is wealth and a condition of everything. That is why this cognitive domain is important for mental and spiritual health. Cognition, or knowledge, is power. Then I can rule it, not have it rule me.
2. Motivation – free decision : Cognition and free will are interdependent. They are fundamental human abilities. Man’s freedom is his destiny. With his decisions and faith in health (placebo), a person can accelerate the path to health, and often achieve a miraculous recovery. Motivation is important for the health of freedom. Motivation is represented by the reasons that cognition proposes to freedom in order to activate it in a certain direction. Motivation moves us to action, but it is not enough.
3. Action – action: A person can realize that something needs to be done, he can also decide. If he didn’t do that, it remains unfulfilled, and the man is frustrated. A work is the realization of good, truth, beauty or love on all human levels. Whoever remains at the level of knowledge and decisions, and does not put them into action, is sick, weak, defeated. Action is victory, it is existence. Act and live.
4. Discipline – It’s easy to think about goals, but it’s another story to work on them every day, without interruption, for years. All that is needed to achieve success is just that, endless discipline. After goals, discipline is the most important thing to achieve success. It is very important to get to know, motivate and start, and the most important thing is to be persistent. We can imagine discipline as a bridge between goals and achievements. Many rely only on motivation to do certain things, but Do Win training teaches you how to rely on discipline.
Discipline is the ability to do what you think is right, despite any desire to quit. The most important thing for developing discipline is delaying instant gratification. For example you experience instant gratification when you eat something sweet. What helps in developing discipline is knowledge and resistance. You have to love the pain and suffering of giving up instant gratification in order to achieve your goals. Success equals sacrifice. If we look at the most influential people of all time in any field (sport, science, business, religion…), we will see that they sacrificed themselves and dedicated their whole being to the achievement of the goal and succeeded in doing so.
“Discipline is doing what we hate to do as if we like doing it.” Mike Tyson